I am sure we all remember where we were and what we were doing when we heard the news on 9/11/2001. We know what happened 19 years ago. We know what has happened in the years since, but what about tomorrow and the years to come? In light of this tragic event and others what would God want to say to us? What would He want us to do in response? Hopefully, we have developed a better perspective on life since 9/11. Here are some things we should all remember: 1. We must not forget that people are more important than our careers and our possessions. 2. We must not forget the value of sacrificial living. 3. We must never forget our Lord Jesus. We also will never forget the New York City firefighters and first responders who responded to the call on September 11. They went into the World Trade Center to rescue lives. As people were rushing down the stairs to get out of the burning tower, firemen were seen climbing up the stairs. 9-11 gave us a clear picture of what sacrifice looks like. Police officers, firefighters, medical emergency folks and soldiers are our heroes. But they aren’t the only ones. Thousands of people gave sacrificially in response to the crisis. Many rescue workers labored days on end in an effort to locate survivors. People from all walks of life volunteered their services in whatever way possible because they wanted to help. We need to follow the examples we’ve seen in people who have sacrificed time, money, and even their lives to serve others. Remember, our hero Jesus and His sacrifice for us so we can have an amazing future regardless of what happens here. Clark Tatum
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January 2025