Pharaoh’s magicians in a rare moment of understanding after witnessing one of the mighty plagues God had sent upon Egypt said to Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God” (Exodus 8:19). If Pharaoh’s magicians (or wise men) could figure out this had to be the work of God’s finger, then surely others could see how God was directing the lives of His people. God’s fingerprints had made their way into the hearts of these magicians. You see the finger of God represents power and the magicians could only stand back in awe when they saw God’s mighty power. However, we learn in Exodus 8, that Pharaoh’s hard heart remained untouched and he did not agree with his wise men. Try to imagine the difference it is going to make to the Egyptians as well as to God’s people when they see the Israelites were exempt from many of the plagues. The Israelites escaped the dread of the plague of flies, livestock, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the granddaddy of all the plague of the firstborn. The finger of God symbolizes God’s power to judge us and to judge is God’s right. No man is able to stand against God’s finger. Although, I would have you notice the same finger that represents God’s power to judge, is the same finger that represents His power to save! Clark Tatum
It is insightful to see how the apostle summarizes David’s life as he looks back on it centuries later. For when David had served God's purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep; he was buried with his fathers and his body decayed (Acts 13:36). David’s body returned to dust, but his soul was in God’s care I want to direct your attention to these particular words: when David had served God's purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep. Now, take away the name of David for a moment and insert your own name there. For example, when Clark served the purpose of God in his own generation, he fell asleep. If you are driven by the purposes of God, when you take your last breath your soul will rest in God’s care. Years earlier David passed on some helpful advice to his son. 1 Chronicles 28:9 give us some of David’s final words to his son. He chooses them carefully, serve God with wholehearted devotion. As you live out your life with a wholehearted devotion to obey God’s commands, you too will fulfill God’s purpose in your generation. Everyone has a purpose for living. The purpose could be summed up, and frankly is, by a clear statement made by Solomon in Ecclesiastes 12:13. Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole [duty] of man. Clark Tatum
The story comes from London where a world-famous animal trainer gave a command performance featuring his wild animals. All kinds of animals were involved, lions, tigers, elephants, horses, and other circus animals. The trainer was most famous for a particular act he did with a boa constrictor that had grown to 35 feet long. He had raised this snake since it was a few days old. The trainer had fed it, cared for it, and worked with it daily. In this act, the trainer would lie down on the ground with his pet boa and the snake would wrap around his body. The massive reptile was easily strong enough to crush the man into pieces, but it would always release him just as it had been trained to do. One day as the trainer performed with this snake, the act took an unexpected turn for the worse. Suddenly before the watching crowd, the boa kept squeezing and squeezing and before the crowd knew he was in danger, it was too late. That is exactly how Satan comes coiling himself around our lives. At first temptations may seem so innocent and perhaps harmless, but unless you are careful their grip gains the upper hand in our lives. The Evil One desires to suffocate our spiritual lives to death. Temptation is a powerful force and we must never lie down and play with temptation as if it were a harmless pet. Clark Tatum
September 2024