![]() One time a fellow who was discouraged about some things that were happening, or not happening as the case was, came to me with his situation. He told me, “I just can’t seem to get it together. I feel sort of like a yo-yo, up and down, up and down.” The fellow had grown up in the community of church life and he was home from college for the summer. I listened to him talk about his many challenges. I didn’t give him a sermon with three points. I didn’t give him any clichés or religious assignments. My words to him on that particular day were, “Welcome to the club!” God is bigger than you think! Problems pressing in on you? God is bigger than you think! Faith is only valuable when we activate our faith. A lot of us know about life on the yo-yo. There have been times when we too didn’t need a full-blown sermon. What we needed was a listening ear along with one or two Scriptures to think about and a prayer to get us over the hump or through the storm. God tells us what He will do, we need to believe it. Believe God’s promises and you like Moses will find out that hopes and dreams do not have to die in the desert. You will find out that the worst of circumstances do not outweigh God's power. Clark Tatum
![]() We can find directives on how to accept one another in areas of opinion. God’s plan for the church is for Imperfect People to Help Imperfect People Get to Heaven. The NIV reads (Rom 14:1) Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters. Notice we are talking about passing judgment on matters of opinion. We are not talking about whether Jesus is the Christ (John 8:24) or that His sacrifice was sufficient (Hebrews 9:28) or even the essentiality of being baptized into Christ (Galatians 3:27). The believers in the context of Romans Chapters 14 and 15 were struggling with their differences on matters of opinion. The situation became more difficult because some individuals were pressing their opinions as if they were a “thus sayeth the Lord”. There are two specific avenues to acceptance we ought to keep in mind when it comes to areas of personal opinion. #1 - Don’t make a big deal over matters of opinion (Romans 14:3). If we lose sight that Christ is Head and we are to accept one another we’ve lost the big picture. #2 - Accept him who differs in matters of opinion because God has accepted him (Romans 14:3). Notice Paul doesn’t ask or even tell either one of these Christians to change their opinions, but to accept each other. Acceptance is more important than agreement on disputable matters or differences of opinion. Clark Tatum
February 2025