Every morning I made the inspection. I wondered if what had been sprayed on the weed in my yard was going to work. At first, the objects of my dissatisfaction, those persistent weeds seemed undisturbed. But after a few more days, obvious changes were beginning to take place. By the seventh day it was apparent the solution had done its job for there was no sign of life in the once flourishing weed. The solution had attacked the roots of the weeds for an effective kill. Think about sin in our lives. Sin will not only affect externals it makes its way into our hearts and strikes at the root of faith, of spiritually, of life. If we continue to ignore sin the result will be a withering conscience, a shriveling of morals, and in time a complete collapse of the soul (James 1:15). Sin ultimately destroys the soul unless it is repented of and cleansed by the blood of Christ. James said, Do not merely listen to the Word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. (James 1:21). We can be set free of any sin that seeks to binds us, but we must not take sin lightly (Luke 13:3, John 8:31-32). There are certain sins that may take longer to get to the root of our lives, but any sin we ignore promises to destroy our souls. Clark Tatum
You have heard it said that oil and water don’t mix. You can understand this concept better when you take a look at a bottle of salad dressing. You hold it up and you can see where things have settled and the oil and water have separated. In order to bring that oil and water back together, the bottle must be shaken. You sit the bottle back down for a bit and in no time the oil and water separate because in a bottle of salad dressing the togetherness of the ingredients won’t last forever. They go back to their own department. They go back to separate rooms. They go back to separate seating places, separate communities. They go back because it is their nature they will not mix. Mayonnaise, on the other hand, does not have to be shaken even though it is also comprised mostly of oil and water. This happens because mayonnaise contains an emulsifier. An emulsifier is that which brings things together that which otherwise could never come together. The emulsifier in mayonnaise is an egg and the egg infiltrates both substances so they are able to come together and be a solid substance. The emulsifier that brings people together from different backgrounds and places into the church is the blood of Christ. Out of Jesus’ great love for us He acts as an emulsifier that makes us one “in Christ Jesus.” Clark Tatum
No one knows exactly how we feel when we lose a loved one or good friend to death, but we are mindful that others have also experienced the loss of a loved one. The experience of one such person is recorded in the Bible in the book of Job. Job had it all, he had ten children, fields of livestock, an abundance of land, a houseful of servants, and a substantial stack of cash. And then, without warning, like an avalanche, adversity struck. He lost his livestock, crops, land, servants, and all ten of his children. Soon after this, he lost the last human sign of hope, his own health. Job experienced a sea of pain and suffering and chronicled his experience of intense inner suffering. It was in the midst of his pain he made a profound statement of faith recorded in Job Chapter 19:25-27 - I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see him with my own eyes - I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me! During uncertain and difficult times, we need to remember God’s promises, God’s presence, God’s protection, and God’s ultimate provision. Clark Tatum
I am sure we all remember where we were and what we were doing when we heard the news on 9/11/2001. We know what happened 19 years ago. We know what has happened in the years since, but what about tomorrow and the years to come? In light of this tragic event and others what would God want to say to us? What would He want us to do in response? Hopefully, we have developed a better perspective on life since 9/11. Here are some things we should all remember: 1. We must not forget that people are more important than our careers and our possessions. 2. We must not forget the value of sacrificial living. 3. We must never forget our Lord Jesus. We also will never forget the New York City firefighters and first responders who responded to the call on September 11. They went into the World Trade Center to rescue lives. As people were rushing down the stairs to get out of the burning tower, firemen were seen climbing up the stairs. 9-11 gave us a clear picture of what sacrifice looks like. Police officers, firefighters, medical emergency folks and soldiers are our heroes. But they aren’t the only ones. Thousands of people gave sacrificially in response to the crisis. Many rescue workers labored days on end in an effort to locate survivors. People from all walks of life volunteered their services in whatever way possible because they wanted to help. We need to follow the examples we’ve seen in people who have sacrificed time, money, and even their lives to serve others. Remember, our hero Jesus and His sacrifice for us so we can have an amazing future regardless of what happens here. Clark Tatum
September 2024