![]() What is a dare? Basically, it is a challenge. Webster says, “To have the courage or audacity for some act; be fearless; to do something hard or dangerous; venture upon…” From this definition we see there is a valid usage of the word dare. When I was a youth, I would hear the most serious of dares when a regular dare did not work. It came in the form of the “I double-dog dare you!” You see if a regular dare did not move me to action, I would be given a double-dog dare you. Admittedly there were times in my life I responded to a dare with reckless intention, but this is not what I have in mind as I present these things for your consideration. It is with love and care I ask you to consider your personal walk with God. I Dare You to Consider: The condition of your soul (Mark 8:36-37). The love God has for you (Romans 5:6-8). The reason Christ died for you (Luke 19:10). The resurrection of Christ (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). The need of obeying the gospel (Mark 16:16). The importance of living faithfully each day (Revelations 2:10). Reflection can be a good thing when we are talking about reflecting on our relationship with God Almighty. When we reflect on where we are in the presence of Deity there should always be an AWE, a reverence of respect for the Almighty. Appreciate His everlasting love and care for you. Clark Tatum
![]() The whole essence of Christ’s earthly mission was simple and clear – there are only two ways. One leads to life eternal in heaven and the other to spiritual death and agony for eternity. Jesus refers to the narrow road being the way to eternal life. The narrow way speaks to those who choose to follow Jesus and obey the Father’s will. The narrow way is the way to salvation. There is no other way to the Father except through Jesus. There is no other way to heaven. There is no other way to peace with God and the cleansing blood of Christ. The narrow way is not narrow for those who love the Lord. It is a narrow way only in contrast to those who prefer to do life their way instead of God’s way. Jesus said, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness…” (Matthew 6:33). What are you seeking first in your life? Have you chosen to follow the road that leads to life by becoming a penitent believer, confessing your faith in Jesus as God’s Son, and by being immersed into Christ in the waters of baptism? This is the only way we can have the assurance of heaven’s salvation under the New Covenant of God. The promise of heaven sharpens our focus. Clark Tatum
![]() A Christian’s entire lifestyle, including his home life, social and business activities, are all part of his efforts to glorify God (1 Corinthians 10:31). In these areas of life, each Christian is totally responsible for making his or her own decisions regarding how they live to glorify God. Of course, it is God who confirms whether or not a person is living in such a way to bring glory to Him. Christianity is lived in two realms, individually and collectively as member on the Lord’s team. Team spirit for a ball team is essential for every individual player and every sports fan knows the damage disunity can cause on the team. The Lord and His people are to be the ultimate example of working together in unity, in peace, and with hope. The church family works with the realization that the will, vision, dedication and faith of the church determines what decisions are made to glorify God. We are told, “submit to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Ephesians 5:21). This yielding will be evident in various areas in our life together as we work to glorify Christ. As we submit our individual will to one another in the Body of Christ, we do so to exalt God’s glory! Clark Tatum
February 2025