![]() The Bible states Eutychus fell asleep while Paul was preaching into the night (Acts 20). This man literally fell out of a three-story window to his death. I use to wonder why we rarely have three story church buildings. I can joke about it now because I know the end of the story, but as you read Acts 20, the situation was very serious at the time. What a testimony of God’s mighty power when Eutychus fell out the window and God raised him to live again (Acts 20:10). When we recognize God’s power for what it is and what it can do it should increase our level of commitment to God and the church. If God can do that no one should doubt that God can take a spiritually dead person and bring about spiritual life. The apostle Paul knew that first hand. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me (Gal 2:20). Seeing God’s power and love changed Paul and increased his commitment. Paul had a high level of commitment to the Lord and it was evident in his actions with people. Satan is a spiritual anesthesiologist and he is working to try and put us to sleep spiritually. Let us be alert to Satan’s schemes. Clark Tatum
![]() The Book of Acts records the beginning of the church for which Jesus died on the cross. The key verse of the book of Acts is probably 1:8, But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth. The term witnesses here refer specifically to the men Jesus had designated to be His apostles. However, we are all witnesses in the general since of the mighty love of God and His saving grace. A Chinese farmer, after having cataracts removed from his eyes made his way from the Christian compound to the far interior of China. Only a few days elapsed, however, before the missionary doctor looked out his bamboo window and noticed the formerly blind man holding the front end of a long rope. In a single file and holding a long rope behind came several blind Chinese whom the farmer had told about his operation. They all knew the farmer had been blind, but now could see. He told them of the doctor who had cured him; naturally all these other blind people wanted to meet his doctor. The cured man could not explain the mechanics of the operation, but what he could do is tell the others that he was blind and now could see. We do not need to understand it all to be a Christian witness. Clark Tatum
![]() What comes to your mind when you hear the words, commitment, loyalty, and devotion? Senator John McCain, in his book Faith of Our Fathers tells about being a prisoner of war in Vietnam. John McCain talked about a particular Commander by the name of Mike in his book. Mike was a Navy pilot and his plane was shot down in battle. McCain wasn’t sure how Mike did it, but somehow, he took a bamboo shoot and made a needle. The soldiers had to wear blue pajama tops all the time, so inside the top Mike took some red and white thread and sewed an American flag. Every night when the guards left the room he would take that top off, turn it inside-out and hang it on the wall. The prisoners would stand facing the flag and repeat the pledge of allegiance. It was the daily highlight. One night a prison guard walked in unexpectedly and grabbed that shirt and took Mike away. When Mike returned his face was so swollen from the beating. Later that night Mike was on the floor with a needle looking for more pieces of material. I tell you there is something that happens inside us when we are in the presence of someone so committed. The commitment of Christ is like no other. His sacrifice inspires us to greater commitment. Your personal commitment, loyalty, and devotion to follow Christ encourages me. Your commitment to the Lord does have an effect on others. Clark Tatum
February 2025