We are approaching a time when much of our thinking turns to gifts. The children are making lists of things they want and what they can afford to purchase for others. This time of the year, like no other, we are looking for bargains. The greatest bargain cannot be captured with a dollar, nor found in the corner of any retail store. The greatest bargain can be found only as one turns his eyes from the material things of this world and considers the things that will outlast time as we know it. Things like the value of relationships and especially our relationship with Jesus. God offers us the greatest gift of all—eternal life through His Son, Jesus Christ. The greatest bargain for us COST JESUS His life and it COST GOD His Son (John 3:16). The greatest gift in all the world—the bargain of bargains is available to all who will follow Jesus as Lord. As you prepare for the holiday don’t leave out Jesus. Clark Tatum
Two small boys were talking about doctors and operations. One asked, “Why do doctors always wear masks when they do surgery?” After thinking about it the other boy answered, “That way if they mess up, the patient will not know who did it!” Truth is we are responsible for our actions, but so often we ignore this truth. A businessman was interviewing a prospective employee. He told the man, “What I need is someone who is responsible.” The potential employee stated “I’m the man. At my other job whenever something went wrong they always said I was responsible.” In the Garden account we can read how Eve blamed the serpent for her sin. We also can read about Adam blaming Eve for his sin. When Moses came down off of Mount Sinai he found the people worshipping a golden calf. When Moses asked Aaron, he tried to pass the buck for his own actions. As we move through life we’d do well to remember we are not responsible for everything that happens, but we are responsible to how we respond to what happens. When you don't perform up to par professionally, personally, or spiritually you've got two choices. You can fix the blame or you can fix the problem by accepting responsibility. The first step toward spiritual wholeness is taking responsibility. From there, by God’s grace you can begin to move forward. Clark Tatum
January 2025