If we understand the importance of needing a friend, it will help us to be a better friend. Sometimes a kind word or deed from a friend helps us keep going when we feel like giving up. A wise man once said, “A person is rich if he has one true friend.” It is easy to have a host of friends to laugh with us, but a friend who will stand by us in adversity is not so easy to find. May we never be guilty of treating our friends like a heating pad, meaning we keep them stored away until the pain comes. Jesus told His followers they were His friends. How wonderful it must have been for the early disciples to hear Jesus refer to them as His friends. Jesus is never so busy that He does not have time to listen to our challenges. And after He listens to us, He has the power to help us with our needs. He is the friend who is closer than a brother. Each of us can have a “True Friend.” He is the friend that will never let you down. Jesus said, “You are my friends if you do what I command you” (John 15:14). Clark Tatum
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January 2025