![]() There is a story about a tribal chief that told his young grandson a parable about the human condition. "Son, there are two wolves inside each of us. One is good and one is bad. One fights for anger, greed, jealousy and rage. The other fights for kindness, joy, love and happiness. These two wolves fight it out every day, and it is up to you to determine which wolf will win." The young boy asked, "How do I determine this?" The old chief said, "Son, the wolf you feed is the wolf who wins the battle." In a nutshell, that is the key to experiencing ongoing Joy. Journey with Jesus and you will know joy. Do not make the mistake of searching for joy, because you will come up short. Seek Jesus and follow Him and real joy can be your reality. The book of Philippians has a lot to say about the subject of joy. There are two interesting details about Philippians. One, it is unquestionably Paul's most upbeat book; two, it was written during one of the most difficult times of his life. He was in prison, facing an uncertain future, possibly facing execution. And yet, Paul is brimming with joy and enthusiasm. Happiness, they say, is based on circumstances, on happenings, but joy is something deeper. The word joy is not based on circumstances, but rather upon a relationship to Jesus Christ. Clark Tatum
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February 2025