We have all heard about the optimistic attitude that says something like when life hands you a lemon why not make lemonade? Think about your attitude because for the most part attitude is a habit. It is accurate to say your attitude has a lot to do with the way you view things. Did you hear about the optimist that fell from the top floor of a 12-story building? Someone yelled out at the 7th floor window and asked, “How is it going?” The man yelled back, “So far so good!” Seriously our attitude can make a difference. The optimist sees the donut the pessimists sees the hole. The optimist sees the glass half-full and the pessimist sees the glass half-empty. You can go through the Scripture and find attitudes of selfishness and fear and you can look around in life and find people who have this attitude of thinking that we call a bad attitude. On the other hand, you find good attitudes in both the Scripture and as you look around in life. We still find attitudes in people of faith that say like David of old, God and I can conquer this Giant. We all agree attitude is important. Are you letting the attitude of Jesus be seen in you? Clark Tatum
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January 2025