When One of the most powerful forces known to man is a hurricane. With winds of up to 155 miles per hour, and the ability to create waves ten stories high and surges up to twenty-five feet can level whole cities. Two components of a hurricane are especially interesting. One is the eye of a hurricane-the relatively calm center of circulation in which sinking air inhibits cloud and thunderstorm development. Immediately surrounding the eye is the eye wall, which features rising air and powerful rain clouds. In sharp contrast to the calm eye, the eye wall houses the most powerful element of the hurricane, including the strongest winds and the heaviest rains. If you could hover above this incredibly powerful force of nature, you would see the strongest part of a hurricane is occurring near its center, while at its center would be relative calm, with no thunderstorms and little or no cloud cover. Oceanographers tell us that the worst storm never goes more than twenty-five feet deep beneath the surface. In other words, just twenty-five feet below the surface, the water is calm. The only place you will find peace in the midst of the storm is with God. The fruit of the Spirit called “peace” is only found in God. Storms may rage around us, but at the center of our being, deep inside of us, there can be a peace (Philippians 4:6-7). Clark Tatum
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January 2025