My laptop computer runs on a battery for a while, but after while the little green light begins to blink and a beeper begins to sound. When this happens it means the energy on my laptop is almost depleted and if I desire to keep using my computer I have to supply it with more energy from somewhere. I can have all the self-confidence in the world that my computer will not go dead, but if I ignore the warning signs and don’t do anything about it – it will die. I can be the most optimistic person around and I repeat to myself “my computer will not go dead” yet if I ignore the warning signals the laptop will stop working regardless of my optimism. We don’t operate on spiritual batteries, but in yourself you only have so much internal energy regardless of your desire. We need God to strengthen us with power through His Spirit-filled words (Eph. 3:16-17). We get a jump start and are charged up every time we get into God’s Book. There is a noticeable difference when you are consistently reading the Bible. The religious problems in the world are not caused by people reading different translations; the biggest problem is that many read no translation. There is no wonder why people who are not reading the Bible lack the power provided by God to live a fruitful Christian life. Clark Tatum
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January 2025