I have a dream, that one day everyone claiming to be a Christian will truly be a Christian because they follow God’s word. I have a dream, that one day everyone will love the truth and stop lying with deceptive hearts. I have a dream, that Jesus’ prayer for us to be one will be answered as we are united in the truth. I have a dream, that the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth will be uttered. I have a dream, that all liars will be exposed by the truth for what they are. I have a dream, that truth seekers will not have to wade through lies to find and embrace the truth. I have a dream, that innocent children will be raised on righteous truths and not be subjected to evil influences. I have a dream, that the Lord Jesus will return to the earth to put an end to all liars and reward those who have lived by and loved the truth. I have a dream, that Christ’s church will fulfill it’s role as “the pillar and foundation of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15). Rick Cunningham
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September 2024