The grace of God is best expressed as getting God’s absolute best when we deserve the absolute worst. Before a person becomes a Christian he or she lives in a spiritual graveyard (Romans 3:23). The coroner’s report from God declares that all have fallen short of grace and in essence exists in a spiritual mortuary. There are varying degrees of decay, some are sick and dead, others are poor and dead, some are white and dead, some are black and dead, but all are equally dead - meaning without the life of God in them. The Apostle Paul wrote some words by inspiration in Ephesians 2:4-7 that jump out at me. These words seem to leap off the page and grab my attention. God’s grace rescued us from the eternal and hideous consequences of sin, while we were yet ignorant of our impending tragedy. I like the story of an Indian who had become a Christian. Some of his brothers began to observe how different his lifestyle had become, they asked, “What has caused such a change?” He looked on the ground and found a worm and put it on some leaves and set them aflame. Just before the fire got to the worm, he reached down and rescued the worm and held it before his friends and said, “Me, worm.” That is what God’s grace does for all who look to Him by faith in Christ (Galatians 3:26-27). Clark Tatum
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January 2025