For many, the relief of having survived the traumatic 2020 was short-lived. 2021 has already brought its share of drama, suggesting the possibility of another difficult and challenging year. The stress of a global pandemic, political strife, division in the country and economic heartaches is real and impossible to escape entirely. But what a joy and comfort it is to know that we do not face hard times alone. Our Lord is our source of strength, comfort, and hope. The God of all comfort (2 Cor. 1: 3-5) is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) and the foundation of a living hope (1 Peter 1:3). So really, what do we have to fear? As the Word says, let us cast ALL our care on Him. Bring your worries, fears, stresses, troubles, doubts, and hurts to God and let Him carry them. After all, they’re too big for us. But God can handle our toughest situations with a strength and power that is vast beyond our imagination. Be at peace, even in the midst of a stormy year. God’s got this. John K. Smith
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September 2024