In Amos 6:1, Amos recorded these words, “Woe to you who are at ease in Zion, And trust in Mount Samaria, Notable persons in the chief nation, To whom the house of Israel comes!” The children of Israel had become complacent and comfortable in their idolatry (Am. 6:4-6). Their comfort would soon be turned into severe punishment (Am. 6:7-14). What about today? We live in a very complacent and comfortable society. How many times do we hear or read such statements as “if you are not comfortable with <insert just about anything here> then...?” This attitude can easily creep into the church. We must realize that some things will be uncomfortable, but that does not negate their necessity in the slightest! Jesus said to visit the sick and not a word was spoken about whether it made us comfortable or not (Mt. 25:36). Jesus commanded to preach the gospel to every creature and not a word was spoken about whether it made us comfortable or not (Mk. 16:15; cf. Mt. 28:19-20). More examples could be given. The truth is, we must be willing to always do the Lord’s will. If we allow the world to lull us into complacency, then we are living the “goat” life which, same as Israel of old, leads to destruction (Mt. 25:41-46). I am reminded of a certain rich man who was quite comfortable on earth but ended up in torments (Lk. 16:19, 22-24). I am also reminded of Lazarus who was not comfortable in this life, but he was faithful, who was comforted in Abraham’s bosom (Lk. 16:20-22, 25). Let us all resolve to guard against complacency and keep pressing forward (Php. 3:14). Trent Thrasher
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January 2025