In the days of the prophet Hosea, an indictment was leveled against God’s people for their lack of knowledge. The prophet said their lack of knowledge was destroying them (Hos. 4.6). Their spiritual immaturity was accompanied by this stinging rebuke, “I have written for him the great things of My law, but they were considered a strange thing:” (Hos. 8.12). God’s desire for us today as New Testament Christians is that we “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Pt. 3.18). There was a time in the Lord’s church when members were walking, talking Bibles. I remember hearing a gospel preacher tell of the time when people in the community where he preached could speak as easily about the Bible as they could the sporting events that transpired the evening before. If we are going to be able to evangelize a lost and dying world, it would only stand to reason we have some measure of competency in the Scriptures. The old saying, “You can’t sow what you don’t know” is true. I want to encourage us to dig deeply into the word of God and strive to develop a greater understanding of the sacred Scriptures. The ancient Psalmist serves as an excellent example of one who spent time meditating on the truth “day and night” (Ps. 1.2). Regular Bible study will sharpen our sword and give us the needed proficiency to evangelize our friends and family members. Here are some questions to which we must know the answer if we are going to fulfill the responsibility of reaching a lost and dying world with the gospel.
Mike Hixson
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February 2025